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Different Strokes for Blokes

Male Massage Brisbane

gay massage brisbane
  • KAL


Hello all!!

I hope you had a great holiday season.

When it comes to Blowjobs, some could argue about which is or receiving.

I won't go down that road today but instead focus on Giving. Even if you think you are the queen of cocksuckers, take time to read. There may b e things here you already know and there may also be things you've forgotten so think of it as a refresher all you experts. Who knows you may even learn something. And for the rest of you I hope this gives you a good guide and some confidence in how to mix it up a bit.


Giving a great blow job - and I mean a really great blow job - is a wholistic process. Yes, us men can sometimes think we are all about the penis, but really, a little anticipation goes a long way toward moving the whole experience from mundane to mind blowing. Start slowly by massaging your partner's chest, then his thighs and then maybe work on the penis through his clothes. Jumping right into sucking his penis might be a bit of a shock - and starting down there from scratch can be a lot of work. So make that penis stand to attention before you really get down to business.


When it comes to oral sex, stimulating a man's testicles is like delivering the first line of a great performance; it's not the part that gets a standing ovation, but it sure sets the stage for something great. Try these moves to leave him moaning for more:

  • Grab the ball sac with your thumb and forefinger where it meets the shaft of the penis and lightly pull downward

  • Lick in a "W" shape around the balls starting at the top, down one side, up the middle, back down the middle then up the other side

  • Put one testicle at a time in your mouth and suck on it

  • Place your hand around the balls and gently roll them around in your hand

  • Place your straight forefinger on the vertical line down the middle of the ball sac (it's called the "raphe") and press down into his balls while sliding your finger downward off the scrotal sac.


Don't be fooled by the "oral" part of oral sex; a good blowjob involves a lot of hand work as well. The average penis is 5-6 inches long and the average mouth is 2-3 inches deep. Your hands can make up for the difference and ensure the whole penis gets a workout. Some hand possibilities include:

  • Place your thumb and forefinger together to form a ring around the base of the shaft of your partner's penis, working it up and down while your mouth works on the top of the penis

  • Massage the perineum (the area between the anus and the back of the testicles) with your finger

  • Use a finger to massage in or around his anus

  • Pinch his nipples - but make sure things are really rolling for this one. If things are still heating up, it could feel more like a "purple nurple!"

  • Put your fingers in his mouth for him to suck on

  • If your mouth needs a break, sit back and use your hands to give him a quick hand job before bringing him back to your mouth

  • Put your entire hand around his shaft and use a lot of wrist action as you bring your hand up and down the shaft in a slight twisting motion while your mouth and tongue work the top of the penis

  • Stimulate his balls

Hand action works best when there is some lubrication involved. You can either use flavored lubrication or just get a little saliva into the mix. Keep in mind a lot of saliva will get produced as your mouth is working away. It can get messy, but your guy won't mind. Energy spent holding in spit for reasons of aesthetics is probably energy wasted. Sex is messy - and going all Martha Stewart about it could spoil the fun.


When it comes to giving great oral, the tongue is where true oral sex superstars separate themselves from the rest of the pack. Don't believe me? Try some of these techniques - and watch his reaction!

  • Massage the frenulum (the tiny bump on the underside of the penis near the tip) with your tongue

  • If your partner is uncircumcised, place your tongue inside his foreskin and circle the tip of his penis while you use your hand to hold the foreskin in place. For a circumcised man, simply circling the tip of the penis can have the same effect.

  • Run the tip of your tongue along the seam on the back of the penis - this is a very sensitive spot

  • Use the tip of your tongue on the meatus (the small slit on the tip of the penis where the semen comes out)

  • Lick the shaft and tip of his penis like an ice cream cone with a flat tongue


Doing one thing the entire time isn't going to keep him hard for long. Variety is the spice of life - and, it seems, oral sex. Vary the speed and rhythm of your licking, sucking and rubbing. Stimulate different areas, the tip of the penis, the shaft, the balls, whatever turns him on, just keep changing it up. You can try some of these other sexy tricks for variation:

  • Lightly blow on his penis, the cool breeze will give him quite the shiver

  • Give him some sexy eyes as you change position

  • Tilt your head to the side and ever so lightly bite up and down the side of his shaft with your teeth

  • When you mouth is around his penis and farther down on his shaft, suck your mouth in like a vacuum, sealing your lips around him then pull upwards, off of his penis

  • Give him a "hummer" by making a humming noise when you have your mouth around his penis. Vary your tones a bit and the vibrations will give him a real thrill. I don't suggest humming an actual song, though - that could be distracting and, depending on what you choose, just plain weird.

  • Pull the foreskin down on the shaft of the penis to make it tighter. This makes the penis more sensitive to your stimulations.

  • Kisses and flicking of the tongue on the penis feel very good, and it will also give your mouth a break.

  • Kiss the underside of the penis where the shaft meets the ball sac. This is a highly sensitive spot that is often ignored.

Don't be a afraid to play and explore. The more adventurous you get, the more he will be begging for mercy - or more! You are in complete control here, so take advantage and get your groove on!

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